Sarah Webber

My name is Sarah and I am 31 years old. I am the youngest of 6 kids (4 brothers and 1 sister). At the age of 6 I was placed into foster care because of an abusive and unstable living environment. I moved between foster homes often. I grew up being very shy and labled with many mental illnesses. I was very good at following rules and excelled in school. As I graduated high school I aged out of foster care. I met a man who 3 years later I would end up marrying. Shortly after meeting him, I was introduced to all kinds of drugs. Trying to fill a void of despair and emptiness, I partook in things I said I never would. “Never say never” right?

In 2014 I moved to Tennessee from Vermont along with my husband. We finally had a fresh start with no drugs. That lasted all of 4 months. I started using pills again then moved on to meth. Everything went downhill quickly from there. My marriage was abusive and in shambles. My mental health was horrible. I was in and out of psych wards and on so much medication for suicide attempts and labels and labels of mental disorders. I finally saw I needed a change but had no idea how to start. That’s when God came to my rescue. He placed a woman in my life named Audra Hembree. I didn’t see it then but God used her to save my life. She got me into the Crossville Mission.

I have been at the Mission now for 14 months. I (with God’s grace and mercy) have been given a fresh start. Looking back now, I can see how God moved in my life and continues to do so every day. I am no longer a little girl with a crushed and broken spirit who backs down from every challenge. I face every challenge head on knowing God has provided me with everything I need. I rebuke any labels this world wants to place on me. The only explanation of how much I have changed is God. I thank Him every day and continue to be open to whatever He needs me to do.


Cassie McArthur


Phillip Ward